The papaya detox diet is a highly restrictive diet that uses this tropical fruit as a pivot around which to revolve all food planning with the aim of eliminating toxins from our body while gradually losing weight.

Special care must be taken with these cleansing eating routines since the limitation in terms of macronutrient intake can weaken us if they extend over time beyond four or five consecutive days.

What is the detox diet with papaya?

  • Papaya is an ideal food to include in detox diets since it has numerous properties that can be aimed at losing weight. It is diuretic, antioxidant -due to its high vitamin C content-, it actively fights the appearance of cellulite, provides only 30 calories per 100 grams of product and is an essential tool to fight constipation, help treat gastroenteritis and Eliminate parasites that lodge in the intestinal tract.
  • As if that were not enough, papaya is also some fruit rich in vitamins A and B, fiber and minerals such as phosphorus, iron and calcium.
  • We can prepare a detox menu based on the consumption of papaya in the following way: at breakfast a papaya and a glass of skimmed milk with whole grains; in the mid-morning a fruit salad that includes pineapple, strawberries, melon, mango and, of course, papaya; at lunch boiled brown rice with cooked carrots and spinach and a mixed vegetable salad; at snack a papaya; at dinner a grilled white fish fillet accompanied with a boiled potato and a papaya.
  • Like all detox diets of this type, it is a plan that over the days can become excessively repetitive and, therefore, boring, so it is possible to abandon it quickly. In such a case, and in order to avoid this, it is pertinent to consult with a nutrition expert who can recommend a course of action that is much more in line with the objectives that we intend to achieve.


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