The detox diet is a weight loss method that will help you eliminate toxins and impurities that accumulate daily in the body. Said purifying diet consists of the elaboration of different shakes with which to achieve said cleansing and that will allow you to lose a series of kilos. During 2016 you will be able to prepare a series of completely new shakes that will allow you to purify your entire body.

Detox shakes for 2016

  • Pineapple and ginger smoothie. To make this smoothie you will need 4 slices of natural pineapple, half a cup of rice water, a teaspoon of grated ginger. Beat everything until you get all the ingredients mixed. Pineapple has a series of diuretic properties that will help you eliminate all toxins from your body.
  • Fruit smoothie and green tea. You are going to need two glasses of natural fruits (peach, pear, grapes), a glass of green tea, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and half a glass of water. It is a smoothie with great antioxidant properties and that will help you speed up your metabolism to burn calories more quickly.
  • Blueberry and berry smoothie. Take a blender and blend a glass of blueberries or red fruits together with the juice of a lemon and a glass of coconut water. It is a smoothie with a large amount of antioxidant properties thanks to blueberries and red fruits and a perfect drink to purify the body of numerous impurities.
  • Pineapple, cucumber and celery smoothie. To make this smoothie you will need a slice of natural pineapple, half a cucumber with skin, a celery and a glass of water. Mix everything well and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. It is a smoothie that acts as an excellent diuretic and helps to avoid constipation problems.

These are 4 perfect detox shakes to start 2016 and that will allow you to lose those extra kilos from your body quickly and easily.


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