On many occasions, after festivities given to excessive eating, we need to establish a kind of nutritional parenthesis with the aim of purifying the body and facing the following months with a greater awareness of what we should eat. However, it is not always necessary to undergo a long diet that restricts us from eating for many weeks. On the contrary, we can prepare simple daily menus with detox properties that we can use occasionally to cleanse the digestive system of fats and toxins.

Preparation of detox menus for day to day

  • The detox menus for the day to day which are necessarily unrelated to any type of eating routine must be absolutely balanced, in order to cover the daily nutrient requirements. Unless a nutrition professional points out a different diagnosis, either because of our specific objectives or because of our metabolic predisposition, it is not advisable to carry out excessively restrictive acts such as eating fruit and vegetable juices throughout the day. If we are not careful, these habits could even cause us abnormalities on a physical level.
  • An example of a cleansing menu for day to day could be the following: for breakfast 30 grams of oatmeal in water, a handful of almonds (no more than 10 grams), two dried figs and a decaffeinated coffee; in the middle of the morning an apple and a low-fat yogurt; for lunch, a plate of pasta or rice with grilled white fish and a mixed vegetable salad seasoned with a little oil and vinegar; in the snack a portion of melon or a pear and a low-fat yogurt; at dinner a carrot cream with a chicken breast or a lean grilled pork fillet.
  • In this way we cover a full day with a contribution of about 1,300 calories, providing the body with a table of foods with which to effectively purify the digestive system of toxins. It is an especially useful menu on special dates such as Christmas, so that the body can rest from excesses between designated meals and dinners.


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