Kiwi smoothie recipe is one of the detox diets that proportionally has a greater amount of vitamin C making it a powerful antioxidant that also effectively strengthens the immune system.

Are you looking for a healthy snack that can facilitate your weight loss? you’ll enjoy this fast and simple Kiwi smoothie recipe for your weight loss!

The Kiwi smoothie recipe is prepared with simple ingredients, this tasty smoothie has a low calorie and a high fiber content including other nutrients.

If you want to pack in even more nutrients, you can add some leafy greens to this kiwi smoothie recipe.

I love adding spinach or kale. You can’t resist them at all, I promise, especially fresh spinach! This is my favorite smoothie customization – I always have raw spinach

How To Use Kiwi Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

If you are considering adding kiwi to your detox smoothie recipes, it’s a win-win because you will get to enjoy a vitamin C-loaded kiwi for weight loss, also great for a kiwi breakfast smoothie!

This smoothie is thick, tasty, and filling, the best blender, for a skinnier look!

kiwi breakfast smoothie


1 size of medium kiwi

1/2 cup pineapple (frozen)

1/2 large peeled avocado 

1 cup of unsweetened almond milk. 

1 handful of washed kale leaves


#1. Wash the kiwi. If you don’t mind you can leave the kiwi’s skin on it, I leave it on because of its nutrient content.

#2.  Cut the kiwi into small chunks, rinse the kale, and weigh the rest of your ingredients. Put them aside.

Put your blender in order (I can see it in your sink, so wash it!)

#3. Firstly, add the kale and the frozen pineapple chunks to your blender, followed by the rest of your prepared ingredients.

#4. Blend for 2-3 minutes, until you get a smooth and creamy consistency.

#5. Taste it for sweetness, thickness, etc. You can add a bit more milk just to make the smoothie thinner.

#6. Serve and enjoy!

While preparing a kiwi smoothie recipe, it is important to leave the kiwi skin because it is nutrient-dense. A lot of people don’t enjoy the skin but don’t worry, remember, it will get blended!

For those who use a blender, ensure to add the frozen fruit first because the closer it is to the blades, the easier and faster it blends.

Remember frozen fruits are not easy to blend, which is the reason you want to put your frozen fruits first.

Kiwi detox juice recipe

In this way, we could consider the kiwi smoothie recipe as suitable to help the body prevent possible infections such as colds or flu.

On the other hand, its high content of bromelanin and fiber favors the digestive process as well as the cleaning of toxic substances.

For these reasons, it is one of the most popular green smoothies for weight loss when it comes to including it in detox diets.

Thanks to this it is possible to prepare various recipes for healthy cleansing shakes.

Detox Smoothies With Kiwi For Weight Loss

#1. Pear, lettuce, and kiwi smoothie

It is an enormously nutritious drink that also provides a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

how to use kiwi for weight loss

For its preparation, we need 150 grams of French lettuce (or Trocadero), six mint leaves, two kiwis, and two conference pears. Depending on the

#2. Kiwi Vanilla Smoothie

It is a refreshing drink loaded with vitamin C. We must have a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of water, two bananas, two peeled kiwis, and low-fat vanilla-flavored yogurt.

For the consistency that we want to give to the smoothie, we can optionally add water until it is to our liking.

#3. Kiwi, Wheatgrass and Pineapple Smoothie

It is a very popular combination to configure a complete detox diet.

Among its main properties, we find that it alkalizes our body, purifies, is good for digestive health, and has slimming properties.

It also has a diuretic function, strengthens the immune system, and adds antioxidant properties.

Its ingredients are a quarter of a glass of seawater, three-quarters of a glass of water, 150 grams of pineapple, a kiwi, and 15 grams of wheat grass.

#4. Green Kiwi Smoothie

It is one of the best-known detox smoothies that in turn are made from kiwi, cucumber, and spinach.

Its ingredients are half a lime, half a chopped cucumber, ginger, a handful of lamb’s lettuce, a handful of spinach, half a kiwi, 5 spirulina capsules, a chopped celery stick, and a small spoonful of sesame and flax seeds.


The smoothie is thick, which reduces the chances of it coming out as foamy, but the longer you blend, the more air you put into it.

Stick to 2-3 minutes blending time for the best results.


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