Detox diets are eating routines that, in recent times, have become very popular thanks to both their presence in the media and the promotion of interest by many celebrities from the world of fashion, cinema, or music.

The inception of detoxing, the pros and cons of its mechanism of action, and some cleansing pamper locations in luxury surroundings.

You may believe detox is a new wave procedure, propelled to significance in the last few years by Hollywood A-listers and Oscar-winning actors who became health specialists. This is not the case!

You just have to look to the Romans, Ancient Egyptians, the Indians, and the Chinese for the births of the detox as a healthy lifestyle and its usefulness.

All these age-old races indulged in detoxing as a means to maintain the body system. They accepted that toxins built up in the system, and intermittent fasting or cleansing with certain foods assisted in eliminating them.

They fasted, sipped only water, or were constrained to consuming fruits and only fruit juices to clear the blood and keep the gut healthy.

The Chinese supported natural medicines and special herbal teas to detox their body systems, on the other hand, Indians occasionally made use of the beneficial spices from these natural plants.

This age-old method is often used today in alternative medicine, especially in Chinese and Indian treatments.

Today It is being practiced right into the modern way of living, with a progression of popularized detox diet plans and books splashing the integrity of the trend. So is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Some health professionals aren’t so sure. Whilst they accept that toxins can accumulate in crucial organs like the liver and kidneys, certain diets don’t always help to eliminate them.

Medical guidance on detoxing is all about care and attention to what you are doing and how you do it.

Common complaints during detoxing by intermittent fasting, drinking fluids, or consuming just fruits, have been reported to cause moderate to severe headaches, fatigue and dizziness, nausea, and even illness.

Ideally, a detox should be appropriately monitored and you shouldn’t do it alone if you plan on prolonging it over a few days.

You should be able to figure out from your symptoms if you feel dizzy and fall, or faint and bang your head while you are on detox, this shows you have a problem bigger than the one you were trying to cure because you are lacking some vital nutrients!

You can’t exercise during detox, because your energy level is often very low. Don’t forget you are eating way fewer calories so you may feel quite indifferent and weak.

Now is not the time to be pushing yourself for an energetic run or racking up a ‘volcanic rage’ level on the cross trainer. You can’t handle marathon training during a detox.

They are regimes based on highly restrictive proposals since food planning is limited almost exclusively to the massive consumption of fruits and vegetables, and as such they have generated numerous criticisms from, above all, the world of nutrition and medicine.

But these Detox diets are not new, but have origins, to say the least, curious.

How detox diets began 

#1. The premise of internal body cleansing is based on the idea of ​​autointoxication in Ancient Egypt and classical Greece.

#2. In these times it was thought that certain foods could introduce toxins into the body and, therefore, damage it.

From these historical moments, the concepts of detoxification of the organs that make up the digestive system have been handled at different times, with certain academic studies appearing in the 19th century that tried to justify these theories.

#3. In recent decades, ideas about detoxification have been confined to the fields of alternative medicine, since the scientific community has ruled out its use given the lack of evidence that presents its approaches.

#4. However, despite the lack of evidence to support the basic precepts of detox diets, these eating routines enjoy many followers who, currently, carry them out without any type of medical supervision.

This has caused some of these women to develop a series of symptoms related to the manifest nutritional imbalance that cleansing regimes herald.

In this way, supposedly purifying projects become enemies of our bodies.

#5. Despite the historical roots that detox diets can have when carrying out a weight loss process, we must bear in mind that we should not trust any food routine that we find on the internet or in a written publication.

Nutritionists are medical professionals specialized in this area and, therefore, it is advisable to go to them when we want to introduce ourselves to a regimen of this type.


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