Anyone who is healthy and in perfect physical condition can follow a detox diet, despite the excessive food restrictions that are often imposed.

However, there are women who, because they find themselves in certain special circumstances, must be careful with the type of eating routines they follow since, otherwise, they may be affected by the appearance of certain symptoms that are likely to worsen their health. It is precisely the case that concerns all women who are pregnant.

Detox diet precautions during pregnancy

  • During pregnancy, women need a greater amount of nutrients and calories in order to feed both ourselves and the baby. In principle, being true to the truth, none of the juices or shakes that are usually common in detox food routines are contraindicated for women who are pregnant, however it is a stage in which none can be dispensed with of the main macronutrients, an issue in which cleansing regimens tend to be excessively restrictive.
  • Given the case, it may be advisable to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables during this period and, even, the introduction of some characteristic figure of detox regimes such as juices, milkshakes or smoothies. But, above all, great caution is recommended since in this situation, if we do not take moderate care in the configuration of our nutrition, we could cause irreparable damage to our body and that of the baby.
  • In these circumstances, the intervention of a nutrition professional who can advise us on the most effective ways to cope with eating during pregnancy is absolutely essential. If we do it in isolation, we must take into account the advice and contraindications at the beginning of any type of eating routine, especially if it tends to purify the body.


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