Summer is just around the corner and, along with it, comes the countdown to put on our favorite swimsuit. However, we still have time to lose the extra kilos that we have been accumulating throughout the winter through a thorough detox plan. Cleansing diets, although they are highly criticized from a medical point of view, are widely used as weight loss techniques as well as methods to rid the body of toxins. Here’s a three-day detox regimen to reduce belly fat.

Mark the abdomen with a detox diet

  1. Day 1: at breakfast a red tea with a small spoonful of honey and a cup with cut fruit; in the middle of the morning a soy yogurt and a glass of Aquarius; for lunch a bowl of pumpkin cream, a steamed white fish fillet and a ginger infusion sweetened with saccharin; at snack a green tea and an orange; for dinner, a pomegranate salad with escarole, a scrambled egg with garlic and asparagus, and an infusion of horsetail with a small spoonful of honey.
  2. Day 2: at breakfast a red tea with a small spoonful of honey and a cup of papaya cut into pieces; in the middle of the morning a green tea and a kiwi; for lunch, a bowl of vegetable soup, a tuna, tomato, watercress and arugula salad and an infusion of horsetail; at snack a slice of melon and a glass of aquarius; at dinner a plate of sautéed beans, a slice of steamed salmon and an infusion of cardamom with a small spoonful of honey.
  3. Day 3: for breakfast a red tea with a small spoonful of honey and a kiwi; in the middle of the morning a slice of watermelon and a green tea; for lunch, a bowl of asparagus cream, a piece of grilled fish and an infusion of ginger; in the snack 50 grams of nuts, a soy yogurt and a green tea; at dinner a bowl of vegetable soup, a salad of lettuce, tuna and peppers and an infusion of cardamom with a small spoonful of honey.


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