The news in nutrition dictates that a cleansing of the body is a previous step and necessary before proceeding to get in shape and lose a few kilos. In this way, the so-called detox diets have become popular, a kind of regimen based on the massive intake of fruits and vegetables through liquid preparations such as shakes, smoothies or juices.

With the arrival of good temperatures, we began to consider these types of options to show off a good figure when we put on our bikinis and go to the beach or the pool. In the following, we propose a short menu, of about three days, with which to begin to prepare the body for said circumstance.

A detox menu for the bikini operation

  1. Day 1: for breakfast an unsweetened coffee with a little skimmed milk and an omelette with one egg and one white; in the mid-morning a grapefruit, celery and carrot detox juice and a low-fat yogurt; for lunch, a mixed vegetable salad -except corn, beetroot and broad beans- seasoned with a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar, a grilled white fish fillet and two pieces of fruit; at snack two whole grain cookies and an apple; at dinner a vegetable soup, a slice of whole wheat bread and two pears.
  2. Day 2: for breakfast a skimmed yoghurt; in the middle of the morning an orange juice and a green tea with skimmed milk; at lunch a stew with lentils and a little lean meat like turkey or chicken and two oranges; at snack an infusion of horsetail and a skimmed yoghurt; at dinner a boiled egg, a slice of whole wheat bread and two tangerines.
  3. Day 3: for breakfast an unsweetened green tea with a little skimmed milk, a piece of whole meal sliced ​​bread and two slices of cooked ham; in the mid-morning a green detox smoothie and a low-fat yogurt; for lunch a bowl of Andalusian gazpacho without bread, a little pasta cooked with a little fish and two apples; in the snack a banana and a low-fat yogurt; at dinner a mixed vegetable salad, a slice of whole wheat bread and two pears.


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