Spinach is a type of vegetable that has a large composition in water but, in turn, is poor in its contribution of both fat and protein. This is the fundamental reason why this food is usually recommended in weight loss diets.

If we add to these characteristics its high fiber composition, we can understand why many nutritionists have prepared numerous smoothie and juice recipes that include spinach as an option to purify the body of accumulated toxins. Its diuretic action, which favors the elimination of excess fluids in the body, makes these vegetables a detox food.

Detox juices: spinach to cleanse your inside 

Fruit and vegetable juices are a fundamental element around which detoxifying diets are developed. In this way, we can complement any routine of this type with a wide variety of options that prevent us from falling into the monotony to which the vast majority of weight loss diets tend. For this reason, we present some of the most original and simple to prepare spinach juice recipes.

  1. Banana and spinach detox juice: An ideal option to help organs such as the liver or kidneys to perform their cleansing functions. For its preparation, we must have ingredients such as 125 grams of spinach, a pear, an apple, a banana, 100 grams of romaine lettuce, the juice of half a lemon, a liter of mineral water and 50 grams of celery.
  2. Cleansing green juice: A drink that simultaneously hydrates, detoxifies and promotes the digestive process. Its ingredients are five lettuce leaves, a few mint leaves, the juice of half a lemon, half a liter of water, five chard leaves, a small cucumber, coriander, an apple and five spinach leaves.
  3. Carrot, spinach and beetroot detox juice: To prepare it we need products such as two garlic cloves, half an onion, three carrots, three kale leaves, two beets, two celery stalks, half a bunch of spinach, one turnip, half a cabbage, half a bunch of parsley and half a liter of mineral water.
  4. Spinach, carrot and coconut water detox juice: A smoothie that provides a high vitamin intake to the body. Its ingredients are 100 ml of coconut water, the juice of half a lime, several leaves of fresh mint, half a bunch of coriander, a cup of spinach, three carrots, an apple, half a cucumber and a small tablespoon of ground flaxseed.


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