Detox juices are a fundamental pillar around which many cleansing eating routines are built. It must be taken into account that, apart from the obvious detoxifying properties, these drinks provide many other benefits such as vitamins or low caloric intake. Although the manifestations through which a detox diet can materialize are very varied, juice is a food that has a special role in breakfasts. In this way, we can prepare different recipes taking as reference numerous kinds of fruits and vegetables.

Simple detox juice recipes for breakfast

  1. Green apple and vegetable detox juice

It is an ideal drink to eliminate toxins from our digestive system thanks to its excellent purifying properties. We must have the following ingredients: 500 ml of coconut water, a handful of spinach, a green apple, a handful of chard, the juice of a lemon and a small celery stalk.

  1. Diuretic detox juice

Excellent option to take on an empty stomach, even helping to feel light and to mitigate heartburn. For its preparation we have to have a cup of well-cut curly lettuce, a chopped endive and the juice of a lemon.

  1. Carrot and orange detox juice

It is a magnificent combination both for the care of the skin surface and for the elimination of toxins accumulated in the digestive system. The ingredients that we need for its preparation are the juice of an orange, a peeled apple and four carrots.

  1. Digestive detox juice

Very useful to take on an empty stomach after a particularly copious dinner or when we suffer from some anomaly related to stomach heaviness. The foods to use are black sesame, kiwi, flax seeds, orange, natural pineapple and carrot.

  1. Ginger, mint and lemon detox juice

It has excellent antioxidant properties and can be taken up to twice a day, once upon waking up and once before going to bed. For its preparation we need six lemons, half a liter of water, three fresh mint leaves, three grapefruits, a tablespoon of cumin powder, three garlic cloves, grated ginger and three tablespoons of linseed oil.


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