One of the great motivations for undergoing a detox diet is, although it is not the primary objective of this type of eating routine, its ability to lose weight.

Taking into account that these are regimens that prioritize cleaning the body of toxins, they tend to be quite restrictive in terms of macronutrient consumption, which can lead to an unbalanced diet that promotes a powerful rebound effect at the end. For this reason, although we are going to present in the following lines some of the best detox recipes to complement a weight loss plan, we strongly recommend prior consultation with a nutrition professional.

Lose weight with detox recipes

  1. Soup recipe to burn fat: It is a dish with vegetables that will provide diuretic, satiating and cleansing properties. For its preparation we need two green peppers, five peeled tomatoes, a head of celery, six large onions, a cube of defatted chicken or vegetable broth, three liters of water and one onion or cabbage.
  2. Tomato salad: It is a detoxifying recipe as well as an antioxidant that also has a low caloric intake. We have to have a good handful of basil, four salad tomatoes, two tablespoons of olive oil, 250 grams of skimmed white cheese, salt and pepper.
  3. Scrambled peppers: Another dish with great cleansing properties for which we need 200 grams of mozzarella cheese, a tablespoon of olive oil, eight eggs, a red pepper, a large onion, a green pepper, onion and salt.
  4. Ginger, blueberry and lemon detox drink: It is a preparation rich in both antioxidants and fiber and very low in calories. For its preparation we must have a glass of natural lemon juice, a glass of natural cranberry juice, three glasses of mineral water, half a tablespoon of powdered ginger and a quarter of a tablespoon of cinnamon.
  5. Detox broth recipe: It is a perfect complement to any type of hypocaloric diet that, in addition, will have all the beneficial properties of foods such as parsley, celery and leeks.


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