Parties, moments of leisure and food (lots of food). Christmas is a time of numerous excesses that unfortunately end up taking their toll in the form of kilos. However, it is not necessary to stuff yourself with food to enjoy these dates. If you want to keep your figure and avoid weight gain, don’t miss out on the following 5 detox juices that you can drink at Christmas and that will help you purify the body by eliminating a large amount of toxins and impurities.

Five detox juices that you can drink at Christmas

Diet detox juice for Christmas

The diet detox juice is perfect for eliminating fat due to its great dietary effect. You should drink it every morning on an empty stomach and you need a glass of orange juice along with a stalk of celery, parsley, a tablespoon of chopped cactus and a piece of pineapple slice. You just have to beat all the ingredients until you get the purifying juice.

Digestive detox juice for Christmas

With this digestive detox juice, you will improve your digestive tract and it is advisable to take it every morning after breakfast. You need a stalk of celery, the juice of a lemon, two slices of pineapple, two carrots and an apple. Beat all the ingredients well and to finish add the lemon juice.

 Green detox juice for Christmas

This green detox juice is perfect for detoxifying the body and purifying it completely. It is also very good for improving digestion since it contains a large amount of fiber. For this you need a cucumber, two pineapple slices, two celery stalks and a tablespoon of honey. First, blend all the ingredients until you get the juice. Mix with honey and you already have this healthy detox juice ready.

Citrus detox juice for Christmas

In addition to being an excellent diuretic, this citrus detox juice is perfect for avoiding fluid retention. It is important that you drink it daily for the period of one month. You are going to need the juice of a grapefruit, two spinach leaves, the juice of three oranges, a slice of pineapple and a papaya. Blend all the ingredients and enjoy the juice.

Red detox juice for Christmas

It’s red detox juice is very rich in antioxidants so it helps delay aging. You must take it every morning and you need to prepare the juice of two lemons, a tablespoon of honey, six strawberries, two slices of pineapple and some grapes. Blend all the fruits and to finish mix with the lemon juice and honey.


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