Detox diets are constantly criticized due to a somewhat special conception of eating routines. Fruit diets, as is the case that concerns us now, consist of the intake, during a series of previously fixed days, unique to this type of food. The advantages proposed by the defenders of this type of supposedly cleansing therapy result in the massive consumption of water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The increase in urination, for example, would serve to drag all those toxins that have accumulated in our digestive system.

How to carry out a fruit-based detox diet

  • The type of fruit that must be chosen to carry out a detox diet of this kind must be fresh and of good quality. For this, it is important to choose all those products that correspond to the season at the moment and, therefore, reject all the fruit that has been susceptible to spending a long time in cold rooms. Although there are many that we can choose from within this wide amalgamation of foods, the most important are strawberries, lemons, pears, apples, figs, peaches, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, and watermelons.
  • Apart from the fruits themselves which can be consumed both raw and in the form of juices or smoothies, we have other products that we can resort to in order to complement this fruit detox diet. This is the case not only with water but also with tisanes and herbal infusions such as nettle, dandelion, white tea, horsetail, ginger or green tea.
  • As important as are the foods that must be consumed in this type of cleansing regimes, so are all those that must be avoided in order not to delay or nullify the positive effects that we can achieve with them. Toxic or exciting products such as alcohol, coffee and tobacco should be excluded from the routine, as well as foods such as pasta, red meat, chocolate, carbonated water-based drinks and caramel.


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