After the food excesses produced at certain times of the year, detox diets become a kind of alternative with which we can supposedly cleanse our body of all those toxins that have accumulated unnecessarily.

These are eating routines that seek, therefore, a total purification of the body and for this it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines that become important restrictions at the food level. For this reason, in the following lines we present some of the most important keys to successfully carry out a cleansing regimen.

Keys to correctly follow a detox diet

  1. Consume purifying vegetables and fruits such as fennel, orange, celery, grapefruit, endives, radishes or turnips.
  2. Introduce foods on the menu that help reduce excess fluids, such as buckwheat, millet, mushrooms or mushrooms.
  3. Eating light cereals such as barley which, in addition to being highly cleansing, has numerous properties that help regulate the intestinal tract thanks to its high dietary fiber content.
  4. Eating algae, since they have a high detoxifying power and help us eliminate fat, reduce stomach swelling and remineralize our body once the purification is complete.
  5. Give importance to green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, borage, celery, leeks, turnip greens, watercress, parsley, escarole or radish leaves. They are useful due to their ability to dissolve lipids in the intestine as well as improve nutrient absorption.
  6. Eating round and root vegetables as they help stabilize blood glucose levels.
  7. Run away from sweets. To do this, we can use natural sweeteners to prepare cleansing desserts such as jellies.
  8. Avoid foods such as baked goods -bread, pastries, pizzas or cookies-, saturated fats, smoked foods and fried foods.


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