Detox diets are very sparing eating routines as far as macronutrient intake is concerned. An issue that, for obvious reasons, can generate a notable physical impact due to the much feared rebound effect.

For this reason, many of the nutritionists specialized in this type of cleansing regimens recommend specific food plans with the aim of preparing the body for a gradual return to more normal patterns. In the following lines we recommend a plan to follow once one of these detox diets has finished.

Food to follow at the end of a detox diet

  1. Day 1: for breakfast a natural pineapple juice, an unsweetened coffee and a piece of rye bread; in the middle of the morning 300 grams of carrot; for lunch, a mixed vegetable salad, a grilled turkey breast fillet and an infusion of horsetail; at snack a banana; at dinner a natural vegetable broth, cooked or sautéed artichokes with turkey and an infusion of cardamom.
  2. Day 2: for breakfast a grapefruit juice, an unsweetened green tea and an oatmeal cake; in the middle of the morning a green apple juice; for lunch, a cup of Andalusian gazpacho without bread, a boiled egg and an infusion of horsetail; at snack a cup with four or five strawberries; at dinner a natural vegetable broth, a scrambled egg with mushrooms or zucchini and an infusion of cardamom.
  3. Day 3: for breakfast an orange juice, an unsweetened green tea and a toast of rye bread; in the middle of the morning a natural pineapple juice; for lunch, a vegetable cream -without milk or cheese-, a grilled white fish fillet and an infusion of horsetail; at snack a cup with four or five strawberries; at dinner a natural vegetable broth, a plate of steamed vegetables accompanied by a small potato and an infusion of ginger.


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