Fasting is what a lot of people practice when they want to do the apple detox diet which is inserted in the wide range of regimes that have to do with detox food.

It is a specific four-day plan that will not only help you to eliminate the toxins that have accumulated in your digestive system, but it will also be a favorable option to lose a few kilos.

In this article, we are going to discuss the apple detox diet. You might have come across the egg diet, grapefruit diet, and brown rice diet. However, the most famous mono diet is consuming just organic fruit instead of meals.

You must adhere to the wind-down and up to adjust your eating, otherwise you may get a severe withdrawal symptom.

Select a cleansing fruit such as an organic apple and purchase it in advance. If you can’t select organic apples for your apple detox diet be sure to rinse the apples very thoroughly from micro dirt.

Apples are known to be high in fiber – 4-5 grams per apple – which helps to stop hunger pangs. Sugar cravings are cut by the natural sugar in apples. In addition, the pectin in apples turns into a sticky gel that stops the body from absorbing sugar too.

It is said that an Apple a day keeps the doctor away and those who consume apples are said to be 25% less likely to suffer from heart attacks or heart-related disease!

Not only does it reduce heart attacks, but apples are also good for weight loss. Since apple is high in fiber (roughly 4-5g per apple), it acts as a fat-loss accelerator which could help you lose 5 pounds weekly!

Benefits Of The Apple Detox Diet

#1. Stops hunger pangs

3 day apple detox

Because apples contain both soluble and insoluble fiber contents which can dampen your appetite and stop hunger pangs.

When your hunger pang is reduced, you tend to eat lesser and control weight gain. 

Research shows that soluble fiber (pectin) found in apples turns into a sticky gel in the stomach which helps stop your body from absorbing sugar too quickly.

#2. Reduces the level of Cholesterol 

Pectin found in apples is also known to help reduce the level of cholesterol.

Pectin also helps stop food cravings for almost 4 hours.

#3. Relieve Constipation 

Perfect for anyone who is suffering constipation they are natural laxatives.

how to use apple to lose weight

The apple is one of the most recommended fruits to include in a diet since it is rich in both fiber and mineral salts and, in addition, it favors the regulation of cholesterol and glucose.

How To Use Apple To Lose Weight

#1. First day: For breakfast a cleansing ginger infusion and all the apples we want; in the middle of the morning a couple of blocks; at lunch, a glass of juice made with as many apples as we like and a digestive infusion.

At snack one or two glasses of apple juice; at dinner a couple of apples and a digestive infusion.

#2. Second day: For breakfast an infusion of horsetail and all the apples we want; in the middle of the morning a couple of blocks.

For lunch, a mixed vegetable salad seasoned with a little oil and apple cider vinegar and a digestive infusion; at snack one or two glasses of apple juice; at dinner all the apples we want.

#3. Third day: For breakfast an infusion of ginger and all the apples we want; in the middle of the morning a couple of blocks; for lunch, a mixed vegetable salad with small pieces of skimmed white cheese.

At snack one or two glasses of apple juice; at dinner a bowl of brown rice with assorted vegetables.

#4. Fourth day: For breakfast an infusion of horsetail and all the apples we want; in the middle of the morning two glasses of apple juice.

At lunch a plate of brown rice with assorted vegetables and three tablespoons of lentils, an apple, and a digestive infusion.

At snack one or two glasses of apple juice; at dinner a plate of assorted steamed vegetables, low-fat natural yogurt, and a digestive infusion.

Frequently Asked Questions

#1. Are Apples good for detox?

Apart from being rich in fiber and vitamins, apples are also dense in phytochemicals and pectin which are requirements in an apple detox diet.

#2. Can I lose weight by eating only an apple?

There are lots of beneficial nutrients in apples that your body requires to aid weight loss. But eating the fruit alone without physical exercise can’t promote weight loss.


Apple detox diet is an approach for those who want to detox their body or shed some kilos. Apples can be used in both cooked and raw formulations.

You can also add some salad leaves or yogurt to the apples and use them as a one-time meal. This meal can help you lose weight effectively.


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