The basics of the detox diet for body and mind are based on a book written last year 2008 by the Swiss doctor Thomas Rau and the American writer Susan Wyler. This is an enormously controversial publication within the world of nutrition since it affirms the effective possibility of curing numerous diseases through an elaborate nutritional plan. Said diet would also be recommended for the rejuvenation of patients, which translated would come to be a kind of palliation of premature aging.

An unrecommended detox plan?

  • Dr. Rau states in the lines of the book that this detox diet for body and mind, far from being satisfied with parameters as ambitious and improbable as rejuvenation and the cure of diseases, goes further, since it is also capable of helping to eliminate all types of allergies of food origin, enhance the work of the immune system, alkalize the body and eliminate toxins that accumulate daily in the body.
  • The theory on which Rau relies to affirm such niceties tries to elucidate that a person needs their internal flows -both blood, lymphatic and intercellular- to be slightly alkaline so that they not only feel greater vitality but also be able to heal from numerous pathologies. Diseases that encompass cases as severe as asthma, allergies, side effects of chemotherapy, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux, hypertension, arthritis, heartburn, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, or even cancer.
  • It goes without saying that the scientific community is scandalized by such assertions that only try to attract the eyes of the less educated in health matters with the aim of selling a good bunch of books. There is no medical evidence that affirms that a detoxifying diet, whatever its nature, has the ability to cure pathologies such as those mentioned above. For these cases, we can only trust the professionals in each area to find the treatments that best suit each circumstance.


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