The weekend is an ideal time to start a detox diet. Once the weekly stress has passed, whether it is caused by studies or work, we can dedicate some time to ourselves and prepare delicious recipes that help us purify the body.

It must be taken into account in this regard that detoxifying food routines base their planning on the almost exclusive use of fruits and vegetables, so most dishes will be juices, creams or salads.

The best detox recipes for the weekend

  1. Vegetable cream with basil and egg: For its preparation we will need the following ingredients: 50 grams of fresh spinach leaves, one spring onion, two medium zucchinis, two carrots, some fresh basil leaves, half a green pepper, two eggs, salt and olive oil.
  2. We have to wash all the vegetables well, peel the carrots and zucchini and cut them into small squares. Put all the ingredients in a container except the eggs and basil, add 350 ml of water together with the oil and salt and cook for 15 minutes. Once this process is finished, the vegetables are beaten together with the basil and, finally, the eggs are added to carry out the cream with the resulting heat.
  3. Detox salad: We mix two or three cups of lettuce, half celery, a few small sprigs of rosemary, a tomato, an apple, a handful of walnuts, a carrot and half an avocado. It can be seasoned with a little salt and a light amount of olive oil.
  4. Pineapple and coconut detox smoothie: These combinations have become very fashionable due to the enormous promotion that many celebrities from the world of cinema and fashion make of them. For the realization of this particular variety we are going to have to have banana, spinach, pineapple, lime juice, mint, natural water and coconut water.
  5. Carrot cream: For its preparation we need 500 grams of carrots, a clove of garlic, a splash of extra virgin olive oil, an onion and half a bulb of fennel. We have to soften the vegetables in a pan with oil and then put them in a container of water over moderate heat. It is crushed and served directly to the plate.


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