Spring is about to begin and, for many of us, it is one of the favorite times of the year to carry out slimming diets that allow us to lose the extra kilos that we have accumulated throughout the winter.

Defenders of detox methods argue that they are the perfect antidote to combat not only being overweight but also bad mood, symptoms derived from allergies, low energy, dull skin or abnormal blood pressure.

Despite the null existing scientific evidence to prove these claims, here are some tips to carry out detoxification planning on spring dates.

Tips for following a detox diet in spring

  1. Eliminate junk food from your diet: We all know what types of food are considered junk food: fried foods, sweets, processed foods, pre-cooked foods and all those packaged products. They are not suitable in the environment of a detox diet due to the large amount of fats, additives and sugars that they provide to the body.
  2. Simplify your meals: It is healthier to eat a small amount of food in many meals throughout the day than to give ourselves two big binges. In this way, not only will we be able to more easily eliminate the toxins accumulated in the different organs that make up the digestive system, but we will also balance blood sugar levels.
  3. Drink a large amount of water throughout the day: If, in addition, we want to enhance the assets of this drink as a purifying element, we can always add the juice of a lemon for every half liter of water. In fact, it will be much more effective if we ingest it on an empty stomach, as soon as we get out of bed.
  4. Enjoy a hot bath a week: Apart from being an extremely relaxing activity, we can also carry out an active cleansing of the skin, eliminating all those toxic substances that prevent it from shining in all its splendor.
  5. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits: For this we have several formulas such as green smoothies, detox juices, vegetable broths or salads.


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