Continuous going out to eat and dine out with friends and family make us gain weight quickly and often take a toll on us. That’s why today we wanted to provide you with the keys to detoxify your body and set course for good weather with a change of easy and simple habits.

The professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of the Pacific, Stefanie Chalmers, assures that it is easier to follow strict dietary guidelines for a week than healthy advice for a long time. For this reason, the nutritionist proposes a nutritional guideline aimed at healthy people, which must be followed for a week and then must be replaced by a healthy diet. This guideline consists of cleaning the body by removing possible toxic residues.

  • To detoxify ourselves from the flavors that we may have become accustomed to, you must first include lots and lots of water in your day to day. From the moment you get up until you go to bed, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water, that is, every 2 hours, take a glass even if you are not thirsty.
  • During the day you should consume an amount of protein equivalent to 1.5 times our body weight. Whether in eggs, red or white meat, white or blue fish.
  • This week’s diet should be based on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Chalmers advises: “3 fruits a day, as many vegetables as desired, and 2 servings of whole grains, only at breakfast or lunch time, for example, ¾ cup of brown rice. Vegetables should be seasoned with very little oil. and without adding any commercial seasoning, with the exception of mustard”.
  • As a satiating agent, it is advisable to drink infusions of red, green or mint tea as they help maintain energy and a feeling of satiety.
  • During this week it is important to exclude foods rich in fat (cheese, fried foods, vegetable oils), bread, alcohol, sugar, sausages, sauces, canned foods and salt.
  • Keep in mind that food should preferably be served raw and fresh, should be chewed an average of 20 times each bite, and can be accompanied only with water or natural juices, without sweeteners or sugar.


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