Detox diets are, by pure definition, completely unbalanced since they do without some of the main macronutrients -such as proteins or carbohydrates- that the body needs to survive.

This is so because it is about eating routines based on the almost exclusive consumption of fruits and vegetables, products that, despite being very healthy and necessary, do not contain the full spectrum of nutrients that the body requires. In this way, in order to make a purifying regime that is, at the same time, balanced, we will have to introduce certain substantial modifications.

How to make a detox menu step by step? 

  1. Day 1: for breakfast a natural orange juice and whole grains with a little skimmed milk; in the middle of the morning an apple and a green tea; for lunch, a mixed vegetable salad, a grilled pork loin steak, a slice of whole wheat bread and two mandarins; in the snack a low-fat yogurt and a digestive infusion; at dinner a grilled chicken breast fillet, cooked vegetables and a low-fat yogurt.
  2. Day 2: for breakfast a green detox smoothie, whole wheat toast with low-calorie jam and low-fat yogurt; in the middle of the morning a green tea and an apple; for lunch, a plate of white rice with chicken and a pear; skimmed milk with whole grains and a banana for snack; at dinner a vegetable stew, a two-egg French omelette and skimmed yogurt.
  3. Day 3: for breakfast a carrot, celery, lettuce and grapefruit juice, an unsweetened coffee with skimmed milk and three whole-grain biscuits; in the middle of the morning, two tangerines and a low-fat yogurt; for lunch, a blue fish fillet with grilled vegetables, a slice of whole wheat bread and two slices of natural pineapple; in the snack a green tea and a low-fat yogurt; at dinner a vegetable cream, a grilled turkey fillet and a grapefruit juice.


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