Detox shakes are those prepared in which a certain kitchen utensil is used -which may well be a traditional blender, an American glass or a more complex appliance such as the thermomix with the aim of crushing both the fruits and vegetables that we add for its elaboration with the aim of obtaining, in short, a kind of thick combination of the ingredients.

Using this methodology, the fiber of the products used is much better used, but other important properties for detox regimens are lost, such as antioxidants. In this way, when making these purifying shakes we should bet on fruits and vegetables rich in fiber while avoiding products with a large amount of antioxidant substances.

Avoid antioxidant foods in detox smoothies

  • Antioxidant substances are great allies for both health and beauty, since thanks to them it is possible to combat premature aging and the degeneration of cells that cause the appearance of free radicals. They are important for depurative eating routines and, for this reason, we are going to use them in detox juices since the fruit and vegetable smoothie makes more efficient use of the products that contain these nutrients.
  • In this way, when preparing our detox smoothies, it is pertinent (although not mandatory) to avoid the following products and use them in juices. On the list we would have foods such as garlic, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis, Goji berries, grape seeds, avocados, walnuts, peanuts, lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, pineapple, bell peppers, plums, guavas, tomatoes, broccoli, papaya, spirulina algae, carrots, cocoa, apple, chia seeds, soy isoflavones, and red onion.
  • This does not mean that, in any case, we can use any of these ingredients when preparing a detox smoothie. It is possible that, despite wasting antioxidants in its preparation, we are interested in introducing some of its other properties into food. What is exposed here has the sole intention of defining the least effective way to take advantage of the antioxidants of various types of fruits and vegetables. It goes without saying, on the other hand, that any food that is not recommended in a detoxifying diet -such as sweets or refined flour- should also be avoided in this type of preparation.


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