One of the elements that attracts the most attention and, at the same time, the most concern when it comes to following a detox diet has to do with the excessive restriction of macronutrients to which we are exposed.

It must be remembered, in this regard, that this type of cleansing diet tends to subject us to planning based almost exclusively on the massive consumption of both fruits and vegetables through liquid recipes such as smoothies or juices. This circumstance makes it necessary to seriously consider what type of diet we have to face both before and after a detox diet.

Setting up a pre and post-detox diet

  • In this way, it is possible to configure an indicative menu through which it is possible to adapt the organism to the radicalism that a cleansing diet exposes and, at the same time, avoid possible imbalances that derive from its sparing nutritional configuration. Abnormalities such as the rebound effect, nausea, manifest weakness or headaches are continuously associated with this type of treatment, so, in the case of risking carrying out one of them, we have the responsibility to avoid them to the extent that we can. may be possible.
  • We propose a possible menu that, obviously, can undergo modifications and that we can adapt both to the previous stage and to the later stage of a detox diet : at breakfast a citrus fruit juice, a green tea and a toast of whole wheat bread; in the middle of the morning a couple of apples (other fruits such as pineapple, tangerines, grapefruit, orange or pear can also be used); at lunch a vegetable cream (without milk or cheese), a fillet of white fish, grilled chicken, turkey or rabbit and a digestive infusion; at snack a handful of strawberries or a banana; at dinner a scrambled vegetable.
  • In case of doubt about the application of both the detox diet itself and the preparation and transition regimes necessary to adapt the body to the changes caused by this cleansing plan, it is more than convenient to go to a nutrition specialist who can advise us. more carefully taking into account our objectives.


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