Detox diets are eating routines that are conceived with quite specific and clear follow-up patterns.

They usually revolve around the massive consumption of liquids such as water or smoothies and juices of both fruits and vegetables. This circumstance is likely to cause numerous imbalances at the organic level, which is why cleansing regimens tend to be highly controversial within the medical and scientific communities. As in any nutritional approach of this type, there are recommended foods and others to avoid.

Foods not recommended in the development of a detox diet

  • Although we should not make a list of foods to eat or avoid without the advice of a nutrition expert, we can draw up a list of the products that are normally excluded in this type of routine.
  • Mainly, avoid products rich in saturated fat such as pates or butter, carbonated water-based soft drinks, table sugar, cured cheeses, sausages, foods rich in refined flour such as pasta, wheat tortillas, rice, white bread and cookies.
  • Other products that tend to be discarded in detoxifying diets are whole cow’s milk, sweetened juices, sweetened or fruit yogurts, artificial condiments such as sauces or seasonings, pre-cooked foods, fast food, pastries, alcohol, tobacco, canned food, caffeine, candy, chocolate, and ice cream. However, and as we have previously warned, this is not a closed list since the recommendations of a nutritionist could make it vary substantially.
  • We must not forget that if we intend to follow a healthy and balanced diet that helps us both to purify toxins efficiently and to maintain a weight with which we feel comfortable, we must not carry out unnecessary excesses in any way. We must not deprive the body of nutrients that are necessary for its development or abuse foods that may harm it in the long run.


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