Many of the detox diets that are accumulating so much promotion in recent times are based on vegetarian eating routines. It should not be forgotten that this type of cleansing regime revolves around the massive consumption of fruits and vegetables and a quite evident restrictiveness in the consumption of proteins, which practically eliminates meat and fish per se from the equation.

In this way, it is quite simple to develop a detox program that is absolutely compatible with a lifestyle that focuses on vegetarianism.

How to carry out a vegetarian detox diet

  • But everything is not clear in this vegetarian detox proposal because, precisely, the very absence of proteins in a food configuration such as the one that emerges from these diets can cause numerous damages to the health of women, especially if they last longer than expected. necessary. If necessary, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist beforehand who can provide us with a series of guidelines with which to achieve our goals in a healthy and balanced way.
  • We can set up an example of a vegetarian detox menu as follows: for breakfast, a grapefruit juice with mint leaves and honey, green tea and a fresh fruit salad; in the mid-morning a low-fat yogurt and carrot juice; at lunch a plate of pasta or brown rice with a light touch of olive oil and grilled vegetables; in the snack two whole meal cookies and an infusion of horsetail; at dinner a cream of spinach, celery and leek, a soy burger and an infusion of ginger.
  • It is a detox and vegetarian food routine that should not last more than five days, otherwise we can begin to lose muscle mass quite excessively, so the rebound effect after finishing it could be very forceful. It is also recommended to continue with a more balanced diet, which contains a higher protein intake in order to maintain the objectives achieved.


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