Carrying out detox diets is one of the most common ways -at present- both to lose weight and to purify the different organs that make up the digestive system.

In addition, they are eating routines that are usually very recurring once we have gone through times of excesses such as Christmas, Easter or other types of celebrations in which abuse of both food and drink is the order of the day. In this way, we present a purifying regimen with which to achieve these objectives in a simple way.

Detox diet to cleanse the body

Day 1: for breakfast a low-fat yogurt and apple juice; in the middle of the morning a fruit to choose between pear, apple, orange, grapefruit or banana; at lunch a mixed salad with the following vegetables: lettuce or spinach, celery, tomato, carrot and cucumber; at snack a couple of slices of watermelon; at dinner a garlic soup.

Day 2: at breakfast a grape and banana juice; in the middle of the morning a fruit to choose between pear, apple, orange, grapefruit or banana; for lunch, a steamed stew with thistle, artichoke, cabbage, onion, leek, beans, zucchini, lemon and a dash of oil, and unsweetened green tea; in the snack a skimmed yogurt or a couple of slices of pineapple to the natural; at dinner an Andalusian gazpacho made with green pepper, tomato, onion, cucumber, salt, oil and vinegar.

Day 3 : for breakfast a low-fat yogurt with whole grains or muesli and orange juice ; in the middle of the morning a fruit to choose between pear, apple, orange, grapefruit or banana; for lunch, a carrot and escarole salad, a plate of stew with potatoes, chard, beans and rice, a slice of whole wheat bread and skimmed yogurt; at snack two oatmeal cookies and a glass of milk with malt; at dinner lamb’s lettuce, chard and pumpkin soup, a portion of grilled sole, a slice of wholemeal bread and two mandarins.


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