As with the skin, food is a key element when it comes to taking care of our hair. An inappropriate lifestyle, with an unbalanced diet and unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking or eating a lot of sweets can seriously harm the condition of our hair.

Modifying, therefore, the eating routine can become a kind of preventive action with the aim of making the hair look healthy and radiant and, in this way, avoid a multitude of problems. In the following we detail an example of a five-day detox diet that enhances precisely this area.

Monday to Friday: detox diet to care for hair

  1. Monday: for breakfast a glass of skimmed milk with a couple of tablespoons of flaxseeds and a few pieces of apple; in the middle of the morning a grapefruit; for lunch, a mixed vegetable salad, a grilled turkey breast and an orange; in the snack two whole meal cookies and an infusion of horsetail; at dinner steamed vegetables and a peach compote.
  2. Tuesday: at breakfast a low-fat yogurt with a little oat flakes; in the middle of the morning two slices of pineapple to the natural; for lunch, grilled or steamed hake, a mixed vegetable salad and an orange; at snack a green tea; at dinner an eggplant stuffed with vegetables and some rice and a few strawberries.
  3. Wednesday: for breakfast a slice of whole wheat bread with skimmed white cheese and carrot juice; in the middle of the morning a skimmed yogurt with oat bran; for lunch salmon with baked potatoes and tomatoes and a handful of grapes; at snack a handful of nuts; at dinner vegetable stew and apple juice with carrots.
  4. Thursday: A couple of whole grain cookies with orange juice; in the middle of the morning a grapefruit; for lunch cream of mushroom soup, grilled vegetables and a piece of melon; at snack a skimmed yogurt; at dinner an omelette -add vegetables to taste-, a salad of tomatoes and spinach and a pear.
  5. Friday: A low-fat yogurt and a couple of whole-grain crackers; in the mid-morning smoothie of pear and orange; at lunch cuttlefish with grilled vegetables; at snack, green tea with a slice of whole wheat bread and a little honey; for dinner mixed vegetable salad, a turkey breast and two mandarins.


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