Weight loss can become an obsession, especially around the time of summer, when we start thinking about the beach and the bikini. The approach of going down a size and losing all the fat that we have been able to accumulate throughout the winter can be futile if we do not plan our diet correctly.

Detox diets, very fashionable today, are not exactly the best examples in this regard, since their excessive restrictiveness provides a strong rebound effect. To counteract this setback, we have to introduce proteins into the routine.

Lose weight with a balanced detox diet

  1. Day 1: for breakfast a cup of unsweetened coffee with a little skimmed milk and a variety of fruit juice such as papaya, mango, banana, orange or apple; in the middle of the morning a skimmed yogurt; for lunch, a bowl of vegetable soup, a grilled white fish fillet and green tea; at snack an infusion of horsetail and a skimmed yoghurt; at dinner a fruit salad and an infusion of ginger.
  2. Day 2: for breakfast a cup of unsweetened coffee with a little skimmed milk and a variety of fruit juice such as papaya, mango, banana, orange or apple; in the middle of the morning a juice of carrot, orange and celery; for lunch, a mixed vegetable salad with tuna, a grilled turkey breast fillet and green tea; at snack an infusion of horsetail and a skimmed yoghurt; at dinner a fruit salad and an infusion of ginger.
  3. Day 3: for breakfast a cup of unsweetened coffee with a little skimmed milk and a variety of fruit juice such as papaya, mango, banana, orange or apple; in the middle of the morning a skimmed yogurt; for lunch, a grilled beef fillet, steamed vegetables and green tea; at snack an infusion of horsetail and a skimmed yoghurt; at dinner a fruit salad and an infusion of ginger.
  4. Day 4: for breakfast a cup of unsweetened coffee with a little skimmed milk and a variety of fruit juice such as papaya, mango, banana, orange or apple; in the middle of the morning a juice of carrot, orange and celery; at lunch a plate of mixed cooked vegetables, a grilled chicken breast fillet and green tea; at snack an infusion of horsetail and a skimmed yoghurt; at dinner a fruit salad and an infusion of ginger.


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