The beginning of spring is a good time, like any other, to rethink our diet, or what is the same, to make a clean slate with the aim of having a healthier lifestyle.

The excesses committed during the winter, a time par excellence that is more homemade and, therefore, given to eating more than necessary in family or friend’s gatherings and that, as if that were not enough, gives way to months in which we begin to worry about our figure for the summer. Detox regimes, as long as they are supported by balanced eating habits, can help us achieve our goals.

Food distribution in a spring detox diet

  • Given the case that we feel particularly bloated, the approach of a cleansing diet with the aim of not only losing weight but also dragging the accumulation of toxins that develops in the digestive organs is pertinent. The spring detox diets have the premise of taking advantage of all those products that are in season so that they are as healthy as possible. This is the case of zucchini, tomatoes, celery, kiwis, oranges, artichokes or apples.
  • One of the most recurring menus of detox diets in spring is as follows: for breakfast a juice of two oranges and an infusion made from anise seeds, licorice root, flax, mint leaves and ginger root; in the middle of the morning a juice of celery, carrot and pear; at lunch, a mixed vegetable salad to which we can add nuts and seaweed; At snack time, a kiwi and apple juice and a horsetail infusion; at dinner a vegetable cream and a fruit salad with mango, papaya or grapefruit.
  • This option is simply one of the many available to do during the spring season. In order to avoid any pitfall, we recommend consulting a nutrition professional beforehand, so that we are advised at all times regarding the most appropriate foods to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.


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