Christmas is a somewhat chaotic time from a traditional point of view. A couple of weeks full of appointments with family, friends or co-workers in which we overlook the excesses. Therefore, we are not surprised that after January 6, we climb on top of the weight and it marks a few extra kilos. Detox diets, which have become so fashionable in recent times, also offer solutions in this regard. Despite the criticism, more or less well-founded, there are many women who choose to undergo these somewhat radical eating routines.

Carry out a post-Christmas detox diet

  • It must be borne in mind that making a transition to a balanced diet can already serve as an engine to reactivate the cleansing functions of the metabolism. However, there are those who prefer to follow the dictates of fashion and establish nutritional needs through detox regimens.
  • For breakfast, the proposal goes through the intake of a coffee with skimmed milk and a slice of whole meal bread -preferably mold- along with a piece of fresh cheese or a slice of Serrano or York ham. For mid-morning, we will have to take an infusion and an apple. In food we already have a greater range of options, so that the diet does not become excessively heavy and repetitive. We can choose between mixed salad and grilled hake, grilled vegetables and grilled chicken breast, vegetable broth and a veal fillet, boiled vegetables and a hamburger or mixed salad of tomato, lettuce and grilled chicken.
  • For snack we opted for a skimmed yogurt and at dinner we already have several options to choose between lettuce salad, fresh cheese and tomato, fruit salad and an infusion or mixed salad and grilled white fish.
  • As we can see, it is a not excessively aggressive detox diet that includes all the basic nutrients that a woman’s body needs for her daily activity. In any case, it is an example that is not applicable to any metabolism. For this reason, we always recommend a prior visit to a nutrition professional.


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